Friday 30 September 2011

Carlos Tevez: Was his outburst justified or ot?

In the space of one year Carlos Tevez has managed to go from Manchester City's hero to probably the most hated man in Manchester, and that's from the blue and red half of Manchester.
But where did it all go wrong for the join top scorer in the league last season?

Problems start to appear between Tevez and Mancini

Well we'll have to travel back to the future to December 2010 for that. A time where Carlos should have been praying for a premier league and FA Cup trophy for Christmas, Carlitos was instead hoping for a move away from Manchester City in which he claimed was because he missed his family. Although this wasn't all revealed until the following month its strongly believed that he had voiced his concerns about this at the start of the season but was convinced to stay by manager Roberto Mancini. Whether it was the Christmas feast he had back home in Argentina that changed his mind i don't know, but what I do know is that this hinted at obvious problems in the Manchester City camp regarding their best player Carlos Tevez.

Tevez ends a perfect season with FA Cup glory

Months had passed and it seemed as if Carlos Tevez leaving Manchester City was a thing of the past as he was well and truly banging in the goals for them with complete ease, his contributions earning Manchester City their first trophy in 33 years in the form of the FA Cup, a coveted 3rd place spot in the league which meant automatic qualification into next years Champions League and earning himself (along with Dimitar Berbatov) the golden boot award. Whilst everything seemed all rosy in the Manchester City camp in Carlos Tevez's mind it was the complete opposite, the striker still wanted out of the club and in a interview remarked that he hated Manchester, wanted to leave and wouldn't even return their on holiday. Comments as you would guess was not well received back in Manchester and after Tevez's awful performances at the Copa America for Argentina and City's signing of his compatriot Sergio Aguero it seemed as if Carlos Tevez was finally going to get his wish. HOWEVER....... It was not to be as no club could afford to sign the talisman.

Sergio Aguero's introduction means there's no longer room for Tevez in City's starting line up

So Tevez reluctantly had no choice but to return to Manchester and play it out for another year, however with the excellent performances of Aguero and Dzeko, Tevez could only find himself a seat on the City bench , something which as seen a few years ago at Manchester United was never going to go down well with the Argentinian. So a month into the season in City's biggest game to date against Bayern Munich what does Tevez do? Well he pretty much does nothing, refusing to go on the pitch when called upon by his manager to help his team out who were losing at the team. Even in the aftermath of the game whilst Mancini fumes and is insistent that Tevez is "finished" at City, Tevez professes his innocence calling it a "misunderstanding". However the question I want to ask is whether his outburst was justified or not?

Jazzy's Verdict: Right now its hard to have a complete idea of what went on between Mancini and Tevez on Tuesday night but nevertheless if the reports are true that Tevez refused to go on when asked, well you can't possibly justify his actions. He's got a job and that's to play football, he's payed rather handsomely to do it as well so what reason could he possibly have not to go on to the pitch? I mean even if he doesn't want to play for City he should still do what he's paid to do and stop acting like a selfish brat. So in no possible way was his outburst justified and if I was in Roberto Mancini's position I would say the exact same thing, 'Carlos, YOU'RE FINISHED!'