Sunday 6 November 2011

Sir Alex Ferguson – The Greatest Ever

Seeing as I did a football post a few weeks ago I was going to resist doing one this week, however I am a die hard Manchester United fan and since it is the great Sir Alex Fergusons 25th year in charge of the greatest football club in the world this week, I have to dedicate this weeks post to the great one Sir Alex Ferguson.

As a young man I myself see Sir Alex Ferguson as an inspiration, to not only people involved with sports, but to anyone in the world who has a dream and has the determination to pursue it. He is a prime example of the saying ‘hard work pays off’, and it is his hard work and determination that has led to Manchester United becoming one of the best sport clubs ever. The admiration his present and former players and colleagues show for him illustrates how highly he is regarded, not only as a manager, but also as a father figure, a friend and a human being.

Now in honour of everything he has achieved at Manchester United, I am now going to do a list of the five best players to ever have the honour of playing under him:

5.) Nemanja Vidic – The Serbian is often forgotten when it comes to Ballon d’or nominations every year, but in the minds of most Manchester United fans he is without doubt currently the best defender in the world, and may yet even go down as one of the best in history. His dominance and presence on the field make him an opponent that all strikers fear, and the fact he is on my top 5 list in front of the likes of Steve Bruce and Rio Ferdinand, highlights how highly I think of the beast from Serbia.

4.) Paul Scholes – He may be a quiet man off the pitch but on it, he is such an aggressive but intelligent player who will probably go down as one of the best midfielders in history. His pin point passing, intelligence and ability to dictate a game, would make you think he was Spanish and not English and the Spanish are probably angry at the fact he isn’t from Spain. The fact so many world class players such as Zidane and Xavi, have come out and revealed that he is their favourite player only goes to show how highly regarded the man is.

3.) Eric Cantona – Although I was very young when he was playing, I have heard so many great things about the man that it would have been impossible to leave him off this list. Captured from Leeds for an extremely low price, Eric Cantona went on to become a United legend in the short time he was at the club, and is probably one of the most iconic players to ever play the game.

2.) Ryan Giggs – The Welsh wizard will probably go down as the greatest ever to play for the club, not only for his ability on the ball, but for how long he’s been playing for it, and at an extremely high level as well. His best days may be behind him but he still has those flashes of brilliance which just leave you speechless. 

1.) Cristiano Ronaldo – When I heard Manchester United were signing Ronaldo in the summer of 2003, I was excited at the prospect of having the Brazilian phenomenon at the club, so imagine the disappointment when I heard that the Ronaldo we were signing was some skinny teenager from Portugal.  8 years later that skinny boy from Portugal has surpassed the level the old Ronaldo reached, and in my opinion is the best player in the world and one of the greatest ever to grace the game. Like Fergie, Ronaldo is someone who shows that if you work hard enough, you can be the best at whatever you do.  

Jazzy’s Verdict: The revelation of a stand in his honour yesterday at Manchester United’s game against Sunderland, highlights how great the man is. He has made supporting Manchester United such a pleasurable and fulfilling experience and on behalf of all Manchester United supporters, I say thank you.