Friday 1 July 2011

Unlucky Murray

"Unlucky Murray" - that was the trending topic on twitter earlier today as once again Andy Murray went tumbling out of Wimbledon taking a nations hopes with him. But though I feel sorry for him as I genuinely believed he had a chance in this years competition, I am slightly annoyed at the hypocrisy of my fellow English people. Not too long there was a huge debate on whether the GB football team for next years Olympics should consist of only English players or instead a mix of all the home nations. At the time most English people I spoke to laughed at the prospect of, for example, the Scottish and English national teams mixing with each other and only wanted English players in the team, a view which many people agreed with. However in that case you have to wonder how around June every year Andy Murray manages to transform from being known as Scottish to being recognized as British instead. I mean is the English sporting system so bad that we're having to take recognition for something/ someone that isn't even really ours? What we're doing is like saying we have the best basketball players in the world because all Americans are originally from England and are therefore British and yes it sounds stupid but that's only because the sporting system in England is pretty stupid.

If you think back to last year at the world cup we saw what England's supposed 'world class' sporting system really produces.... a bunch of over paid slobs who seem to have no technical ability at all and only know how to run about like headless chickens. Now this isn't the same with tennis but you would have to go way back to find the last successful English tennis player (and please do not say Tim Henman). It is quite obvious sport in England is going through a dark period and I can only hope that it is over soon.

Jazzy's Verdict: We need to stop taking recognition for achievements that aren't even ours and also need to stop thinking up new excuses every time we fail (as we usually do). What we should do is improve all of our sport academy's and schools (especially in football) and ensure that all children from all backgrounds are getting a chance to showcase their abilities and are being allowed to express themselves freely instead of being molded into some robot. If these changes do not happen soon then I may just change my nationality to Spanish so I can experience the feeling of being a winner

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