Monday 25 June 2012


Another major tournament has come for England, and has now once again passed us by for the umpteenth time. In the next few days we can expect to see numerous newspaper headlines demanding for a upheaval of the current squad, Harry Redknapp to replace Roy Hodgson and for the two Ashley's to be denied back through immigration. But quite simply, the reason England are out is because compared to the other footballing nations, we are utterly rubbish.

Italy totally outplayed England in yesterdays
 This is something which has been the case for quite some time now but the FA have not really done much to fix, we have no players at all who have the technical ability and imagination to match the Xavi's, Ozil's and Ronaldo's of the game. Even Wayne Rooney, a player believed to be one of the best strikers in the world, looked out of his depth against Italy and was shown up by the bonkers Balotelli. The extent of this problem can be seen by the shocking fact that England only had nine attempts on goal in comparison to Italy's nine, imagine how much worse it would have been if England were up against Spain or Germany?

Although there are players such as Wilshere, Welbeck, Cleverly, The Ox and Sturridge emerging which hint at a not so gloomy future for the national team, in my opinion this just simply isn't enough. The team who played at the 2006 world cup were deemed to be the golden generation of English football consisting of stars such as Beckham, Joe Cole, Gerrard, Ferdinand, Terry and Rooney; but they were very much a failure and didn't look anywhere near dangerous on the international stage. So believing that these next crop of players are good enough is just foolish in my opinion, instead I believe that in order to one day have a national team that can actually put up a challenge in major tournaments, we have to improve our football academies and coaches, as well as picking out the talented players from a young age and turning them into stars. Most importantly of all, we need to find the players who possess great technical ability, because this is the last time I want to have to experience England looking boring and predictable which they have done for much of this tournament.

Wilshere and Chamberlain are regarded as being the future
of English football

In English football we have made the mistake of not learning from our past mistakes too many times, which can be seen by the fact the national team pretty much looks the same as it did 2 years ago in South Africa, so this time I feel we HAVE to look upon our past mistakes and correct them in order to create a national team that strikes fear into other nations, not one that they look forward to playing against.

Jazzy's Verdict: In order to create a top quality national team, it is a necessity that we find the technically gifted players in the country at a young age in order to create a team of Xavi's, instead of a team of Milner's.

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