Sunday 16 October 2011

Amanda Knox: The Big Confusion

Unless you've been living under a very large and round rock, you would've heard that American Amanda Knox has recently been released from prison and cleared of all murder charges after she was wrongly convicted of murdering roommate Meredith Kertcher in Italy a four years ago, and although i'm pleased for her and can't think to imagine how she must feel after being thought of as a murderer for all those years, i'm not only feeling very sorry for the family of Meredith Kertcher, I'm also very confused.

I mean I may be only 17 but I still remember first hearing about this and being shocked, and its been drilled into my head so much that Amanda Knox was guilty that its now hard for me to straight away believe that she's not, and if she really is innocent then we need to have a long look at the Italian authorities who wrongly convicted her and ruined not only one, but two families lives. Its actually situations like this which kind of makes me want to one day go into politics, I mean politicians and those in authority are suppose to be protecting the rights of the people and this highlights that there seems to be a lack of that in society. I mean not only was Amanda Knox wrongly accused, this also means that Meredith's real killer is still somewhere out there which means we're pretty much back to square one in this investigation which is most likely only going to bring along even more confusion and drama, when really we just all want this case to be resolved and justice to be served.

Jazzy's Verdict: I'm so confused about all of this that I don't think I actually have a clear verdict. All i'm going to say is that these so called authorities and people in higher power need to start getting better at their job, or just simply stop doing it.

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