Sunday, 30 October 2011

Are our dreams worth pursuing?

After finding out this past week that UCAS applications are down by around 9-12% this year, me and my two good friends had a long and heated discussion about whether it was even worth going to University anymore, considering how hard is to even make anything of yourself nowadays. Now whilst I was very persistent about wanting to go to university and make something of myself, they were quite skeptical about it, and were insistent that it's just not worth it anymore. Now whilst I was shocked at hearing this, I can't help to agree that at the moment, it just seems as if any dreams we have simply turn to dust. So this begs the question..... Are our dreams worth pursuing?

Well I can only answer this from a personal view, and so my opinion might differ to yours, but this past week I've felt both ways about this. For half of the week I was as determined as ever to make something out of myself, and the other half I just simply couldn't be bothered anymore.

However, yesterday I had a epiphany listening to a song called 'Successful' by Drake and realized that we don't have to be a billionaire to be successful, we just simply have to be doing the thing that we love, with the people that we love. In the song the lyrics "I just wanna be successful" are repeated over and over again and whats so beautiful about those lyrics is that, that is exactly what we all just want... To be successful. We all wish to be successful in order to please our families, to please ourselves, and to feel that we have a legacy to leave behind when its time to leave this earth. So i actually disagree with this idea that reaching our dreams is rare nowadays, it is in fact the belief in ourselves that has become nonexistent.

Jazzy's Verdict: Of course our dreams are worth pursuing, and you shouldn't let anybody tell you differently. Things are much harder, especially for young people, but those of us that are brave enough to pursue our dreams, I believe will soon enough see the benefits of it. As the rapper Drake says, "I'll take the life of sleepless nights if we can all die happy" and I know i'm definitely planning on dying with a smile on my face.

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